Tuesday 16 October 2007

And so he said...let there be FLASH take two

And so! here i am again, in seccond attempt to write out my blog considering that my first post, any attempt to touch it or fix it up whatsoever ends in a crash.

Firstly I would like to note that upon my discovery it is possible to embedd flash into blogger, using the following code;

iframe src="http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/10/15/1512826/complete%20bollocks2.swf"

and donf forget to close with an /iframe just after


Today Adam and I find ourselves locked in the marylebone library frantically working through the flash work assigned last week
(I have a perfectly legitimate excuse for procrastinating, considering that im moving houses (again) tomorrow and ive yet to
complete my packing, and that ive had guests over the weekend). Anywhoo today finds us attempting to interpret gravity in of
a lemmings wannabe game. However we have both used exactly the same code, same process etc etc, and the folliwing is the result
of our efforts

Adam's Attempt

My attempt (To see the full extent of what my flash video does please click refresh now)

Odd huh

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